What is Salext?

What is Salext?

How does a traditional store setup look like today and what would the future stores be like? That is the thinking behind Salext platform. Salext is a platform developed over years of working with the retail industry and seeing the different needs from the top and down to the stores with its employees and most importantly its customers.

With Salext we have an all in one platform designed for covering todays needs but also welcoming the future with open hands. The flexibility that Salext offers is unrivaled, it helps both big and small retail stores achieve both their sale goals in the most efficient way possible and also having a modernized way of handling every day work situations.

Traditional store setup vs Salext

With a traditional store setup you probably have some employees standing at the checkout helping the customer scanning the products while another employee helps the customer in the shelfs. Sometimes you wont even have time to be out on the floor with the customers helping them because it is so hectic at the checkout counters. With this setup you are guaranteed to miss sale possibilities while also not make the most out of your employees qualities.

Would it not be better to have the possibility to have, what we are calling, flowing sellers walking around the store helping the customers where they are?

Salext will bring your store and employees into the future and make the customer interaction how it should be. With the Salext mpos module you will be able to develop the best sellers in the industry by making them go out on the floor and interact with the customers. No more need for the customers to stand in long lines at the counter waiting for help scanning the products they have decided to buy because they think that is what they need. Instead give them a best possible shopping experience by utilizing all your employees qualities by helping them with leaving the store with the products they, together, with your flowing seller found out that was needed.

By using the mpos module in the Salext app you will also reduce the never ending queues in your stores checkout area. At the same time you will save time for every single stage of the sale process, everytime. Just go out and ask the customer what you can help them with. Listen to the customer, scan products for product information or just add to the cart, get some add on sales and do the checkout process where you are standing right now. Even better, follow the customer all the way out of the store and give a personal goodbye. With mpos module we give you everything needed for raising the chance of an happy customer.

The Salext application does not only help you with the sale process, but will automatically develop your employees to be some major sale tools. Not only will the mpos module help ease the checkout process, but also make it even easier to onboard customers to your membership club. An extra bonus with the mpos module is that you will make the necessary product information available right in the palm of your employees hands.

In the future store setup Salext will also help you reduce the numbers of physical checkout stations and be sure that your employees have the best tool for managing the customer interaction and sale process with reducing both the non effective time used by both the employee and also the customer.

What about managing my store?

Salext also has a wide range of other modules that can be used to connect to different parts of your business. Do you want a system for doing regulary stock checks or stock reporting, then you add the Stock Checking module. Do you also want a way to communicate from the very top of your organization and to your newly appointed part time workers. Then let´s add the Task Manager module as well.

As you can see Salext is a flexible system that will cover your business needs. All you need is to integrate your POS and PIM with our api for a fluent experience. Let all your employees install the Salext internal app on their personal mobile phone, either Android or IOS and then they are good to go.

Prepare a plan for the store and employees. That strategy is kept up to date, and campaigns are carried out as scheduled. When a job is completed, get input from others about whether they'd want more work. It's easy for an employee to keep track of everything that needs to be done during the day.

Read more about all our features in the ever expanding Salext platform by looking at one of our other articles.

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